Inner Circle Personal Day Two

Inner Circle Personal Day Two

Clarity is everything.

Keeping track brings clarity.

What a great day!  The day is beautiful!  I hopped out of bed, drank 20 oz of clean spring water and went for a walk around the lake with Gary and the dog.  It was a beautiful, sunny 63 degrees.

My mom needs a doctor.  I need a doctor, It’s a sad story that I’ll share here when my mom gives me permission.  I’m looking for a good doctor in our area and it’s not easy.  In the meantime, I found someone to clean.  It’s my lucky day.  

Here’s what I need to work on – not taking on someone else’s problems when they complain about having too much to do.  Do you know what that’s like?  We already have too much ourselves, to the point where we’re looking at the things we do everyday saying what gives us value and what contributes and then – without thinking, we pickup something for someone else.  Why?  I don’t know, the only thing I can think is ego.  Like we’re the only ones who can do it.  So tonight, I’m sitting in the clubhouse in my neighborhood, with thousands of books after running an ad, waiting for people to come and pick up free books.  Wasn’t that how I broke my arm in 2020?  Yes.  I t was.

What did I do right today.  I may have found a doctor.  I found someone to clean and I like her a lot.  I got outside and walked.  I’ve been drinking all day and will continue.  I’ll get some friends together for cards tonight while I give out books.

Tomorrow, I won’t volunteer to do anything that someone else can do.

The birds get big to intimidate the dog.  The dog thinks they’re trying to make friends.  If only we all reacted like the dog. (As long as we had me to stop us from getting pecked.)

I had a lot of social interaction.  It was the board of directors meeting for the Home Owners Association here.  Everyone’s afraid because of raises in the quarterly fees.  What used to be friendly interactions are now a little confrontational.  The emotional intelligence modules are going to come in handy for me!  And, just in the nick of time.

Examining the conflict between your values and morality can bring clarity and help you to live with the rules impressed by others, or it can free you to live by your own desires. Whether the outcome is acceptance or change, you’ll lose the resentment and feel better about your choices and yourself.


 This is a quote from the module in Live Your Best Life in Module One, where we’re looking at our values and our goals to bring them into alignment.


This week, part of what we’re doing is looking at whether we’re living by our own values or by someone else’s.  Some of us left behind what was important to us to follow societal expectations or parental back in our youth.   Now that we’ve put in our time and made our parents proud, it may be time to make ourselves happy.

I don’t have that problem.  I did everything the hard way and then came back and did everything right.  I believe that I live in alignment with my values.  Every once in a while, like with the books, I’ll catch myself, do my time, and learn my lesson.

What is important to me is God and my family.  I have always been able to give it all up to God.  That is my secret to stress.  When you can rely on something bigger than you, you have little to worry about.  I’ve always been able to fall back on God.  My family has always been able to fall back on me.  I know I am not God.  I hope they know they have God too.

I want to be healthy.  I have everything that I want.  My life is beyond what one can possibly dream of.  It hasn’t always been that way.  My secret is; I just keep going.  I work hard and things happen.  That is what I have to share, more good ideas than bad ideas and hard work.  My goals are achievable.  My opportunities are endless.  I can go anyplace for help.  People love to share their gifts and if we look for someone who’s done it well, that is who we go to.  I hope I never neglect anyone.  I hope if I do, they will ask me for help.  For me to achieve my goals, it will take me getting up every day and taking one more step forward.



  1. Take a break each hour and move (setting my watch tonight)
  2. Fill an 80 ounce container with water to empty through the day
  3. Journal here at the end of the afternoon before dinner
  4. Find a gentle, doctor who is smart and has common sense for my mom


by 2:48 – walked 4464 steps – 5 flights of steps

ubwo – strength training

strawberry/protein smoothie

40 ounces tea

60 ounces water

1 piece Ezekiel bread

1 cashew vegetable stir fry


Vit K2/D3, Vit B12, Probiotic, 


Cathy Sykora

Health Coach/ Interior Designer / Naturopath

I know!  Funny combination.  Like everything in life, you do what you love, continue to learn, stay open to possibility, and it all works together to make wonderful things happen.


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Inner Circle Personal Day One

Inner Circle Personal Day One

Clarity is everything.

Keeping track brings clarity.

We met for the first time today and I handed out coaching questions.  With coaching questions, we can help each other, and we can help ourselves when we get stuck.

Our first task, this week will be to review our values.  Look at where we are.  Get a handle on where we want to be.  Set our goals, then set some action steps to get us there.  This is so exciting!  I’m also very happy because everyone decided to participate in the same program.  Live Your Best Life is the year two membership program that is heavy on mental health.  It’s strong on emotional intelligence, cognitive, memory, and, well, all kinds of good stuff, mindset, positive psychology….things that get us from here to there in a better state.  There’s still a lot of food and movement.  I can’t wait!

Today was different.  I had food poisoning last night.  So, I ate a banana today.  That’s all  Lots of water and a banana.  You will not read this any other day.  I’m tried and true, 3- 6 small meals a day.  Not today.  I didn’t want to eat anything.  I may have a piece of Ezekiel bread toasted before bed.  My husband thinks I had the flu.  I guarantee it was a salad that should have been thrown out a week ago. Never eat in the dark.  That’s all I will say about it now: I’ve forgiven him.  (I’d do a rolling eye emoji if I had one here.)

This is the most tired I’ve ever been.  It was a significant win to get my long to-do list accomplished today.  I made it to all my meetings, got all emails out, launched the event for this year, and set up the group on Facebook.  I searched unsuccessfully for a new doctor for my mom and me; boy, I have a sad story to share on that…maybe a whole podcast if I’m allowed.

Do you need to believe that people are good?  Sometimes it’s hard.  I’m lucky I have all of you, Amanda, Sylvie, and my family.  I keep remembering all the good people in the world.  There are a few rotten apples.

What can I do better tomorrow?  I will hop out of bed, open the windows and let the fresh air in.  Then, I will get dressed, hop outside with Koca and Gary, and walk around both lakes.  I’ll eat a full breakfast with energy and joy.


  1. Take a break each hour and move (setting my watch tonight)
  2. Fill an 80 oz container with water to empty through the day
  3. Journal here at the end of the afternoon before dinner


Cathy Sykora

Health Coach/ Interior Designer / Naturopath

I know!  Funny combination.  Like everything in life, you do what you love, continue to learn, stay open to possibility, and it all works together to make wonderful things happen.


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Keeping Track

Keeping Track

Clarity is everything.

Keeping track brings clarity.

It’s funny how it works.  I can do the same thing every day.  Nothing changes, But when I write it down, things begin to change, measurable changes happen.  Why is that?  The realist in me says, I just think I didn’t have that snack if I’m not writing it down.  I just think I got in that extra 2,000 steps if it’s not written down, or, I just think I drank all that water….you get it.  So the first step to getting results for your clients or yourself – track it.  Another factor is the planning. 

When you are tracking, you’re generally goal setting.  To goal set; you’re looking at your values and discerning what are the most important goals and then, what are the most important first steps.

 Our new Inner Circle group is getting started this week and this is where we begin.  We’re setting our Goals based on our values and then, we’re setting our most important first steps to reach those goals.  THEN, we’re going to track our daily progress.  I’m going to be doing that right here!  

Goals Set:

Action Steps:

What did I do well today?

What can I do better tomorrow?


I hope you’ll join me here.






    Cathy Sykora

    Health Coach/ Interior Designer / Naturopath

    I know!  Funny combination.  Like everything in life, you do what you love, continue to learn, stay open to possibility, and it all works together to make wonderful things happen.


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    Pomegranates for wellness.

    Food is medicine.

    Pomegranates are being studied because of it’s cancer progression inhibiting properties. The purpose is to study possible medical benefits of the pomegranate against different cancer diseases.  The tests have shown that it can have a role in prevention and treatment of breast, prostate, lung, colon, skin, and liver cancer.


    Benefits of pomegranates

    • Antioxidant
    • Cancer prevention
    • Alzheimer’s disease prevention
    • Aid to digestion
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Heart Disease
    • Blood Pressure
    • Anti-viral
    • Aid to memory

    Pomegranates do better in the drier climates of the United States.  They are native to the Mediterranean.  

     Pomegranate seeds can be eaten raw or juiced. You might want to add them to a salad, yogurt, or smoothies.  Pomegranates are a really nice surprise on avocado toast.











      According to studies, all parts of the fruit have therapeutic activity that includes, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic (fatty deposits in the arteries), prevents liver damage, and antioxidant. 

      It is amazing that we don’t have a list of these types of foods at the doctor’s offices.  Health Coaches have made it their mission to get information like this to everyone.






      Cathy Sykora

      Health Coach/ Interior Designer / Naturopath

      I know!  Funny combination.  Like everything in life, you do what you love, continue to learn, stay open to possibility, and it all works together to make wonderful things happen.


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      Simple Lifestyle Changes Made Easy

      Simple Lifestyle Changes Made Easy

      Did you make New Year’s Resolutions this year?  In all likelihood, if you made those resolutions, many of them are a lot harder than you anticipated and they may have even gone by the wayside by now.  It can be disappointing to have such good intentions and then not follow through.

      I’ve made a lot of lists of habits to adopt to improve lives, and at the same time I deliver the lists, I say to choose one habit at a time.  Lifestyle change on a large scale can be exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time.   

      The easiest way to make changes is to take daily action steps.  Journal every day and ask yourself, what can I do to move closer to my goals.

      So today let’s to talk about baby steps.  Little habits that are less of an adjustment for you.  Sometimes easy is better than big.

      I have a list of about 20 daily habits that are life changers.  You won’t be hit with that.  Our baby steps will be a baby list too!


      1. Drink more water.  Pour a nice clean cup or glass of water right when you wake up.  Do it before your morning coffee or tea.   
      2. Make your bed and pick up your room.  This is a very easy thing to do that will make you happier and improve your sleep as an established step in a sleep routine.
      3. Create your own rule that there is no television or technology in the bedroom.  Come on you can find something else to do.  Sex or sleep only.
      4. Add some green to your day.  It can be a salad, warm vegetables, juice, or a smoothie.  Just one is a great addition to your nutrition.
      5. Move more.  Stand while you work, take the steps, park a little further from the door, and if you can, move outside for a few minutes every day.
      6. Read.  Warren Buffet reads 80% of his day.  Just add 20 more minutes of reading to your day.  It’s amazing what ideas and knowledge can come from a few minutes with a good book.
      7.  Pick up your house and declutter.  It is freeing to eliminate unneeded “stuff”.  Clean is beautiful.


      1. Spend time with your friends.  That’s easy, isn’t it?  Having friends is neck and neck with exercise for aging well and longevity.
      2. Get out and do something to help you grow.  Take a computer, cooking, photography, or fitness class.  Learn yoga, meditation, flying.  If you do this, you’ll wish you started doing it sooner.


      1. Take a vacation to see your loved ones.
      2. Take a vacation to discover new geography and culture.

      That’s enough.  …Well, one more.  Write it all down.  Either first thing in the morning or last thing at night, have a little journal next to your bed and write down notes about your day.  What did you do right today?  What can you do better tomorrow (today)?  What are you grateful for?  What is one thing you can do that will bring you closer to your dreams.  THAT’s IT!

      If it’s too much, focus on one thing at a time.  Get it right, and THEN move on to the next.  




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