Clarity is everything.

Keeping track brings clarity.

Today was my second day in water aerobics.  These ladies are hardcore!  They go through two class rotations!  It was fun because I got over 3000 steps in during the water aerobics.  I kept up!  I’m proud of all of us.  We talked about starting a volleyball team – not just any volleyball.  Pool volleyball.  I think that will be fun.  Almost all of our programs speak about finding fun exercise for you.  When we were little, we played softball and basketball and swam on the swim team.  My kids played hockey.  They didn’t think of it as exercise; they thought of it as fun and competition and things they could do with their friends.  We can do that.  As grownups, we can have fun too.

I’m looking forward to putting together a volleyball team.  Not so much to joining my husband in pickle ball, but those water games and bicycle riding are fun.

Do you reward yourself?  I think rewards are an important part of goal setting and reaching goals.  My favorite rewards are things like massage and facials.  They give me incentive and are healthy rewards.

My activity and eating is good.  I’m sleeping a little better because I’m going to bed earlier.  It could still stand some improvement.  My water consumption is excellent, my eating is good.  I’ve been active and my work is getting done.

March is Nutrition Month.  Live Your Best Life has Mediterranean Recipes and I thought I’d share some here.  Enjoy this healthy recipe.




  1. Fill an 80 ounce container with water to empty through the day
  2. Journal here at the end of the afternoon before dinner
  3. Sleep longer by going to bed early.  Skip my glass of wine.

by 2:48 – walked 6000 steps – 2 flights of steps

water aerobics

strawberry/protein smoothie

10 ounces mind alert coffee

80 ounces water with alkaline/calcium-magnesium

2 piece of Ezekiel bread

Green juice

thai salad w/garbanzo beans and nuts


Vit K2/D3, Vit B12, Probiotic, enzymes


Cathy Sykora

Health Coach/ Interior Designer / Naturopath

I know!  Funny combination.  Like everything in life, you do what you love, continue to learn, stay open to possibility, and it all works together to make wonderful things happen.

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